
Wednesday, April 23, 2008


These are the purple tulips I planted in the fall, at least they were supposed to be purple. I know I'm not the only one this happened to, Sherry, from Sherry's Zoo and Gardens had red tulips instead of pink coming up in her garden. At least these are in the backyard garden and it really doesn't matter there.

I took this picture just a couple of hours after the first one. I couldn't believe how quickly they opened.

Thankfully, this cluster of tulips all turned out to be purple.

I'm having a few new visitors here at Robin's Nesting Place; the Common Grackle is enjoying the peanuts and the birdbath.

The brown-headed cowbird also stopped by for a visit and a bath.

I was sitting out on the patio, in the swing, watching Libby attack the chair leg. She loves this game and I love watching her play it.

The weather has been gorgeous the last few days, but I've not been out working because I've had other projects going on. Now that I've pretty much finished those, we have rain in the forecast for several days. Bummer! I've got quite a few of my seedlings outside hardening off. Now I just need to get outside and get them planted.


  1. I love this weather too! I think the squirrels got all of my tulips, I haven't seen any yet this year?

  2. My mother had the same trouble with pink tulips turning out to be red. I planted pink ones last fall and I'm crossing my fingers :) They're just barely poking out of the ground.

  3. You are such a good girl staying in doing your chores. When It gets pretty like this I tend to wait for rainy days to do inside chores. It gets pretty gnarly inside too. I hear comments like "hmmm I don't have any more tshirts to wear" or "wonder what I'm sticking to on the kitchen floor." Ha..

  4. Hi Robin, I love the color of both tulips together, but I'm just like that. All the tulips are so beautiful, glad to see yours are blomming, spring has arrived at your place. Hooray.

  5. I love tulips and now I am thinking of where I could plant some bulbs in the fall... hmmm.

  6. Robin, they're so pretty! I too think they look pretty together.

    Wish I could grow tulips here - the shade is a bit of a hinderance to them though.

    When I grew them in previous back yard gardens, rabbits almost always ate the flowers just as they were getting ready to open. The only color I got from them was little shreds on the ground. I was lucky if even one of them actually got a chance to bloom. :(
    In my last home, I was able to grow them in the front yard without having them molested by rabbits. I do have enough sun in front here, but no place to plant them unless I can wrestle some prime lawn real estate from DH! Sooner or later, I'm gonna wear him down!

  7. The tulip color combination looks great though, even though they were supposed to be purple.

    Some of my "early" tulips have been blooming for awhile and after yesterday's near 80 degree weather, they are starting to wilt. I have some red and pink tulips that are in full bloom though now.

  8. As much as I love the tulips, I have to say my favorite photo is of your cat...the face is priceless:)

  9. Beautiful! I planted all purple and so far they really are all purple. I've been wishing for something else in the mix.

  10. I'm really enjoying everyone's tulips from afar... I don't mind the mix of colors but I also like to plant and have it come up the color it stated on the pkg. Yours are very pretty.

    The birds are so much fun to watch... how tall is your brick birdbath? I'm tempted to copy your design... it really looks great!

    I tend to plan my life around the pretty days... weather watching and altering my schedule to fit so I can garden when it's nicest. Even when I tell myself I'm going to stay inside to get some other things done I find myself outside in the garden somehow... just can't stay away.

  11. The pink tulips I planted came up red! I planted them with white...which came up white!
    Robin, I don't think I have ever seen a cow bird looks quite happy in your feeder...

  12. Robin, I'm sending my mother-in-law over right away. This past Sunday she said to me "how come you don't have any flowers coming up in your garden?"

    I was confused, the beds are starting to get that lush green look so I asked her what she meant. She replied "you don't have any tulips, everybody else has tulips now". So I know she will like your garden very much as she never likes mine.

  13. If at all possible I shove all inside work to the side and do some work outside in my garden if the weather is fine. We don't have all that many lovely days here so each one counts.

    It's nice to see a great variety of birds visit your garden. The Bliss team compliments Libby on her excellent chair leg play! ;-)

  14. Robin, the picture of Libby is a prize, and I loved the flower pics as always!

  15. I haven't visited for a while, but when I return I get nice surprises and I always appreciate your work. The tulips are gorgous, I wish I could grow them. Alas, I love them in fellow gardeners plots!

  16. I like the part about you swinging. I do love to swing also. It's peaceful isn't it? How did you learn the names of all the birds? I'm so impressed. I wish I knew.

  17. My tulips are all finished. They sure are beautiful but short lived. I must say you have some great pictures on your blog.

  18. Beautiful tulips! Nice shot of the Common Cracle! Your cat is cute :)

  19. Love your early spring photos. I also had some wild colored tulips this year. I could tell because they were mixed in with ones that were otherwise the same color. Yours are pretty though.~~Dee


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