Monday, April 7, 2008

One Year Old Today

After spending the winter months last year reading gardening blogs and enjoying them immensely. I decided to start a blog of my own. I had never even thought about having a blog before, because I couldn't imagine having personal information about myself or my family on the internet.

However, with my interest in gardening and a budding interest in photography, a garden blog seemed like a perfect fit. I took the Blogger plunge on April 7, 2007 and I'm so very glad that I did. It has been both a rewarding and pleasurable experience for me.

Because I had read other blogs and their comments for several months before starting my own gardening blog, I knew there was a very active and friendly garden blog community. I wasn't expecting the warm and friendly welcome I received though.

I was amazed at how quickly people found my blog and the wonderful, friendly comments I received.

It still amazes me and thrills me each time I receive a comment on my blog. I just want to take this opportunity to say thank you to each person who has visited me, especially to those who have left comments here at Robin's Nesting Place. You have enriched my life by your time spent here.

Since it is my blog birthday I decided to reward myself with a few little gifts. I collect teacups and teapots and it had been a while since I bought any. I loved these and couldn't pass them up.

I also decided I needed a little treat for the birds too and bought this. Now I can replace the broken clay saucer the ducks and birds have been eating from.

The weather is gorgeous and it definitely feels like spring now. I have things sprouting up all over the place and flowers are beginning to bloom.

Thank you to Mr. McGregor's Daughter for identifying the Scilla-sibirica for me. I love these tiny deep blue blooms that are spreading under my Japanese maple.

The maple trees are blooming now; I love the red blooms against the blue sky.

The young Bradford Pear trees will soon be blooming. The picture above was taken with the grass as the background, the picture below, of course, has the blue sky for its background.
Again, thank you all for making Robin's Nesting Place such a wonderful experience for me during this first year of my blogging adventure. You all are the greatest!


Anonymous said...

Happy Blog Birthday Robin! I love reading your blog and looking at the beautiful pictures. It's wonderful to have met you through blogging. -Jen :)

Anonymous said...

I check out your blog almost daily. Love your posts. Keep it up girl!

Karen said...

I love reading your blog. You always have such gorgeous pictures as well!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Robin!!! A year of blogging is awesome. And look how many lives you've already enriched with your posts! Many, many happy years of blogging to you!

Zoƫ said...

Happy Blogging Birthday, lovely photographs, and I especially like the china - had I seen it, it would have come home with me too!

:: raises a glass ::

Heres to another Blogging Year!

Lisa at Greenbow said...

Happy Blog Birthday Robin. I am so delighted that I found your blog. I can thank Carol for that. She keeps an eye out for all IN bloggers. I so enjoy your blog and watching your garden grow.

Sweet Home and Garden Carolina said...

I remember when you were born, Robin :) My how you've grown. Happy first birthday and we look forward to many more wonderful posts.

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Congratulations Robin ! Hey .. i saw your namesake ? in my garden this afternoon .. following me around having a great time scoping out all the good bug spots .. haha
Beautiful pictures as always !

The Diva said...

Congratulations on your blogoversary. I'm so glad you began a blog.~~Dee

Anonymous said...

Happy Blog-a-birthday Robin.
here's to your second year

Carol Michel said...

Happy blog-o-versary. It was great a year ago to find another central Indiana garden blogger!

Carol, May Dreams Gardens

beckie said...

Congratulations! I know what you mean about the warm welcomes and friendship of the garden blogging community. They and you are a great bunch. I love anything chintz and your china looks like a rose chintz...sooo pretty!

Connie said...

Happy Blog Anniversary!! My one year is coming up at the end of April, as well.
Your blog is a wonderful, friendly place to visit and your photos are always stunning. Great job, Robin!

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogaversary!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary. You do lovely photos. The one on the sidebar of the robin in the birdbath is great!

Jayne said...

Happy, happy blogiversary Robin! So glad to have found your beautiful blog which adds so much joy to the day. :c)

archivesinfo said...

Happy birthday Robin!

Stacy said...

Congrats on the one-year blog anniversary! I enjoy reading your posts everyday - you have such a beautiful yard full of beautiful birds - hopefully my yard will be like that one day...we are working on it! :)

Frances, said...

Robin, your blog is one of my must reads. Your photos, of everything, but those bird shots especially, make my heart sing. So glad you decided to start blogging, the blogdom is a better, more happy place from your offerings. Happy B-day!

Iowa Gardening Woman said...

Your photos are always so beautiful! Love the teacup, good to reward yourself!

Lynn Coulter said...

Happy Blog Birthday, Robin!
We love your blog!

Diana said...

Happy Blogversary, Robin! I would never have guessed that you hadn't been blogging for years - I love your blog. Hope you celebrated in full style.

TYRA HallsƩnius Lindhe said...

Robin, Happy Blog Birthday and what a lovely post. All the photos looks great as usual and I love your blog. Scilla sibirica is so pretty I actually had Scilla in my wedding bouquet.

Jessica said...

Happy day!! I love reading your posts--thank you so much for sharing:)

Anonymous said...

Everyone loves you!! You always add cheer and spread happiness along the way. Happy Birtday. I wanted to be the first to drink from the tea cup so I supped---heheheheehe. I washed and dried it carefully. It sups well and will provide hours of enjoyment. I got it appraised too and it came up at--long pause....$1,400,399.099.99 Where did you get it? Joy said to put one on her credit card.

Robin's Nesting Place said...

Thank you all for the sweet comments, it has been heartwarming to read them.

Anna, the tea cups came from TJ Maxx.

Anonymous said...

enCongrats on one year of blogging Robin. I only found your blog a short time ago but I love visiting and admiring your photos.

Rusty in Miami said...

Happy Blog anniversary. You have a great blog and your pictures are always beautiful

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your one year blogaversary! It has been great having the chance to meet you!

Anonymous said...

Happy blogiversary, Robin! I can't imagine the garden-blogging scene without you and your gorgeous photos.

Charley "Apple" Grabowski said...

Happy 1st Blogiversary!

There is a yard on my route that is just covered with scilla, such a pretty color to welcome spring.

Shirley said...

Happy Blog Anniversary Robin, sorry I missed this :-)

Your blog is a delight to visit. I love all yuor photos from the flowers and butterflies to the birds. Your recent bluebird photos and mallards are just great to see :-D

Congrats and well done you! I look forward to seeing more in the next year :-D

Yolanda Elizabet Heuzen said...

Happy First Blog Birthday Robin! It's always a pleasure to visit you. Like you I have been amazed by the kindness of other bloggers and how quickly I was welcomed into the garden bloggers community. And it was such a warm welcome. Glad you had the same experience. :-) Well, here's to another year of blogging Robin, cheers!

Love your new teacups, very pretty.

Mary said...

While it's been rewarding and pleasurable for you, it's been a real treat for us! Happy Blogiversary, Robin! Keep it up!

Annie in Austin said...

Add me to the list of people who are very glad you made the jump from reading to blogging, Robin - Happy Blogiversary!

Buying oneself gardeney gifts as a Blogiversary present??? I really like that idea. This could become a wonderful tradition for all of us to follow as we roll over to another year.

Annie at the Transplantable Rose

Kylee Baumle said...

Congratulations, Robin! I'm SO glad you decided to start blogging! I really enjoy your thoughts and your photos of the beautiful birds there and your flowers.

About your Scilla siberica...I have some too, but mine are white with blue stripes down the middle of their tiny flowers. Maybe there's another kind? I would love them in that deep blue.

Robin's Nesting Place said...

Kylee, thanks for the comment on the Scilla siberica. I'm terrible at identifying things, whether it's flowers or birds.

Kylee Baumle said...

I looked up the blue ones and I can see why it would be hard to tell the difference. Squill tend to face more downward, while Chionodoxa face upward. Squill also has multiple flowers on one stem. Chionodoxa has one each. I think the Chionodoxa blooms are a bit larger, too.

Here is my white squill.