
Thursday, April 3, 2008

Winter Sowing Update

I had read a lot about winter sowing last year and was a little sceptical, but thought I'd give it a try this year. So far it is working great and I have sprouts in just about every container. Here what has sprouted so far:

1- Foxglove, Candy Mountain
2 & 3- English Poppy
4- Foxglove Excelsior Mix
6- Delphinium, Blue Bird
7- Delphinium, pacific Giants, Mixed color
8- Milkweed, Rose, Asclepias incarnata
9- Viola
10 & 11- Cosmos
12- Bellflower, Campanula carpatica -Blue
13- Lantana - (I see two sprouts, I hope these aren't weeds)
15- Daisy Garden wildflower mix, (Black-eyed Susan, Blanket flower, Coreopsis, Cosmos, Shasta Daisy, Tricolor Chrysanthemum)
16- Verbena bonariensis
17 Alyssum
18 & 19 Gazania
20 & 23 Larkspur
22 Hollyhock
24 Ipomopsis Hummingbird mix
27 Malva

I have enjoyed this method of sowing because I've not had to do anything to them after the initial preparations. While the seeds/seedlings inside have been pampered and watered daily.

I've got to get busy and get a few more things planted in the little milk jug green houses to get an earlier start. I want my yard to be covered in blooms and I want my blooms covered in bees, butterflies and hummingbirds.



  1. OOOOOhhhhh, Robin, that is the most beautiful photo of a hummingbird with the red salvia I have even seen, ever. Your pictures are incredible. Thanks so much for sharing it, and good work on the seed starting too1

  2. I love the hummingbird picture!

  3. Being covered with the three B's sounds like a great goal. I hope it works. You have prompted me to want to do the seed starting indoors next year.

  4. Fantastic hummingbird photo! I often joke to myself that I want to attract the three B's but not four, the fourth being bears.

  5. FANTASTIC hummingbird photo!!!! LOVE it. I enjoy trying to attract them to my yard too. We never see them until mid July or so tho. Sounds like you are having lots of luck with your seeds.

  6. How great to have all those seeds germinating with so little work. I only planted a few and have alyssum up...3 different colors. The rest of my seeds are inside.
    That's the most wonderful hummingbird photo!
    I can't wait to see them again!

  7. Awesome photo Robin!

    I'd never heard of winter sowing in milk jugs and I've been very interested in your posts on this subject. I'd like to try it too.

  8. Stunning! Something I've come to expect here, and which I am determined not to take for granted. Thank you for sharing such cool imagery.

  9. I love your hummingbird photo Robin! It's beautiful! I also love your choices of plants. Very similar to what I would grow in my garden. Cheers!


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