
Monday, May 12, 2008

Odd Hummingbird

I thought is was amusing to watch the goldfinch preening himself on the hummingbird feeder. I only wish the window blinds had been up. I haven't seen any real hummingbirds yet.

Yesterday, after church we stopped by the nursing home to visit with Nell, (my m-i-l). I saw the squirrel on the bird feeder right outside the dining room window and as usual I had my camera in my purse. I had to get a few pictures, since I don't have squirrels around my house, (thankfully). I'm sure the squirrel is entertaining to the residents while they eat their meals.

Lilly hates the camera and will usually not let me get too many pictures of her. She was distracted this time, probably watching for the ducks, which are still coming every day.


  1. I love the squirrel--as frustrating as they can be, they sure are entertaining! Definitely not shy about pictures being taken:)

  2. That goldfinch is one odd hummingbird! I agree with Nancy, the light in Lily's photo is pretty cool. Was that photo taken near a sundown?

  3. Fun to catch the goldfinch on the hummingbird feeder.
    Love the shot of your Lilly too.

  4. Nancy, thank you! I love goldfinches.

    Jessica, this one wasn't too sure about me being so close, but certainly wasn't going to leave his seed stash.

    Dave, I took the picture early in the morning about 7:30. I usually take my outside pictures early in the morning or in the evening. The lighting is so much better then.

    Thank you, Zen Birdfeeder.

  5. Hi Robyn, what a humorous shot of the gold finch. He looks a little ruffled up. You are lucky to not have squirrels raiding your feeders at home, they can be really piggy. Lily looks like royalty in that shot, wonderful.

  6. Three very different pictures. One great post. I loved them all.

  7. A beautiful portrait of Mz Lilly. Ihave never seen a goldfinch on a hummer feeder. Did it try to take a sip? I have seen house finches do this often.

  8. Robin- Did you ruffle that goldfinch's feathers by not having the proper food for it to eat? LOL! Too cute. I also like the squirrel picture. PRICELESS! We have squirrels here, but they haven't caused much trouble so I'm not complaining.

    Lilly is beautiful. She looks like our Angel's mom (or was it her dad that was a yellow lab...?).

  9. I just bought one of those goldfinch sock seed feeders. I didn't know if they would know what it was but today I had four feeding out of it! I was really happy but I couldn't get close enough for a picture. Maybe tomorrow(-: The goldfinch on the hummingbird feeder is really cute. They are so colorful! Lilly looks very happy too. The squirrels are fun to watch I think(-:

  10. Hello Robin,

    I've enjoyed catching up with your May posts - a new job and lilacs are pretty cool!
    Was the goldfinch interested in the sugar water or did he just like the perch? We're seeing them here for the first time.
    If you need squirrels come to Austin and get mine.... they're no longer cute! They're a pain!

    Annie at the Transplantable Rose

  11. Frances, it was funny to see the goldfinch at the hummingbird feeder. I had squirrels in Alabama and they were piggies indeed!

    Thank you, ncmountainwoman.

    Lisa, he wasn't interested in the nectar, he was just preening. He stayed there for quite a while though, he seemed to like the perch.

    Cinj, he was ruffled, wasn't he? They have plenty to eat here, so he may have had his feathers ruffled because he was tired of the rain. It certainly has ruffled my feathers. I'm ready for a few days of sunshine.

    Cindee, they love my sock feeders. With goldfinches I've discovered that if you feed them they will come. At least that has been my experience.

    Annie, thanks for stopping by. He wasn't interested in the nectar, he was just preening. I think I'll pass on the squirrels. It has been nice not having them raid my feeders here. I'm sure one of these days when our trees grow up, they'll find their way here.

  12. Gorgeous photo of your golden retriever ~ the perfect lighting to capture the colors of her coat. Hopefully you'll get some hummingbirds soon. I usually don't see them until July in my garden (when they are headed back south). :-(

  13. Love the beautiful photo of Lily. We've not seen that many hummers either so far this year. It's as if they came and then disappeared?

  14. The red-breasted bird is beautiful. I love birds in the garden too. waiting for the hummers to return

  15. Hope you get to feeling better. I got a bird feeder for my birthday--told you already I know--but it's bringing me so much joy. I'm suppose to be at work today but I'm not feeling so well either so I'm blog reading. I love your bumblebee feasting upside down.

  16. Wow Robin that picture of the bee is amazing and your dog Lily is beauty.

  17. Don't you love to hear the goldfinches singing? Such a beautiful song! Actually the purples and housefinches have lovely songs too.
    I agree that the lighting in Lily's photo is wonderful. Her golden coat positively glows.
    Call me crazy, but I love squirrels too :)
    Your photos are wonderful, Robin!

  18. We don't have goldfinches but we do have hummers right now. Your photos are beautiful.


  19. Your pictures are wonderful. Very cute subject too.

  20. If you don't mind me asking, what camera are you using that fits in your handbag? I've gotten used to taking a little pocket camera lots of places I don't want to take a bigger camera, but I'm not totally happy with the current one. Would like to see what you recommend.


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