
Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Bumblebee and Grosbeak

Yesterday was a little cool, but thankfully the sun was shining. I have a cold right now and feel lousy, but I was determined to work outside anyway. I transplanted some daisies and lambs ear. I did some much needed weeding and planted a few of the plants that were grown from seed and the red salvia that I purchased.

I'm enjoying the allium that I planted in the fall and so are the bumblebees. It is wonderful to see the little creatures enjoying the fruits of my labor.

I had a new guest here today at Robin's Nesting Place. For the first time ever I saw a Rose-breasted Grosbeak. I was in the kitchen putting something in the crockpot and saw a flash of red. I saw just enough of the bird to know it was a grosbeak and ran to get my camera. I took these pictures through the patio door.

Thankfully he stayed for a while at the feeder, so I could get several pictures. I love attracting new birds to my feeders and this was a thrill for me.

I didn't see a female, but hopefully she is around here too.

It is always thrilling to see the bold little chickadee. I love to hear them too.


  1. Hi Robin, what a beautiful bird, and the chickadee too. Love your allium, it looks like purple sensation, is that it? All those photos are through a glass door? Amazing clarity. Thanks for sharing them with us.

    Frances at Faire Garden

  2. Frances, the pictures of the Rose-breasted Grosbeak were all taken through the patio door.

    I looked at the allium bulb package, and it didn't have a name on it.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I love this post! Beautiful photos!

    Have a nice day :)

  4. Ah my heart!! Allium---the flower I always wanted in my garden:) I believe it is a purple sensation--looks just like my beloved flowers, which just popped open!

  5. Nice pic of the rose breasted grosbeak. I was leading my daughter's fieldtrip at Cool Creek last week and watched one for quite a while. Love the color.

  6. We're eagerly awaiting the male Rose-breasted Grosbeaks. It's time for them to drop by on their way elsewhere. Typically the males arrive here several days before the females. They hang around a week or so and then move on with the males leaving first.

    Great pictures.

  7. Lovely photos, Robin. I love these birds, although I have only once seen the Rose Breasted Grosbeak here in southern Maryland. We had a flock of Evening Grosbeaks visit for a couple of special days though. It pays to keep a close eye outside, doesn't it?

    Robin at Bumblebee

  8. Isn't it exciting to see a grosbeak? I love your alliums too. Last year was the first year I planted them and I can't wait to see them bloom again.

  9. What great pictures Robin. I just love RB grosbeaks. You can have alliums too. When I plant them they don't last for more than one season. Boooooo....

    I will be up in your part of the world tomorrow and thursday. Too bad it will be on business or I would be bugging you for a garden tour.

  10. So that's where he went! Our rose breasted grosbeaks must have moved north. we enjoyed them though while they were here. Great photos!

  11. FANTASTIC photo of the bumblebee on your allium! I would love to have one like it! I haven't had a grosbeak at my feeders either so I can absolutely relate to that thrill. It seems like you attract a nice variety of bird life to your garden? I enjoyed your blog & pictures as always.

  12. I had that cold last week Robin, so I feel your pain. Is there anything worse than a cold in May? I am still blowing my nose. Hope you feel better soon.

    Beautiful flower, and your own Rose-breasted Grosbeak!! Yay!!!!

  13. Beautiful Birds and Bee post, Robin.
    I love the Grosbeak and haven't seen them in my garden for awhile so I am really enjoying yours!


  14. OMG, you must have been beyond thrilled to have captured that big bee on your beautiful purple flower! And then the red breasted bird. All in a day?? You had a wonderful photography day, Robin! Thank you so much for sharing with us! Lovely!

  15. It's a very beautiful bird and it was very kind of him to pose for you so that you could take several pics for your blog. Not all birds (or dogs ;-)) are as understanding.

    Love that first pic, very amusing!

  16. What a gorgeous photo of the bumblebee on the allium! And great photos of the birds. Thanks to all of you knowledgeable birders, I now know what a grosbeak is:)
    Enjoyed the photo of Lily in Monday's post, too; I hope you get to show more pics of her.

  17. Robin; very nice grosbeak picture... i never seem able to capture their rose breast that well.

  18. It's always such a thrill to see a new bird, isn't it? I especially love your bumblebee photo :)

  19. Really stunning imagery lately. Inspirational!

  20. All your pictures are so wonderful. I feel like I am right there looking at them in person!!! I really need a new camera and soon. Mine is just not doing anything justice.

  21. Robin, I'm sorry you have been under the weather with your cold and pray that it will soon be a thing of the past. As always, I enjoyed your pics and posts.


  22. I know that you have heard it a thousand times, but you take great pictures!

  23. Great pictures! You must be very patient to get good pictures like that. The first one with the bumble bee is sensational!

  24. Hi Robin. A TVA birding expert just spoke to our Conservancy and he mentioned that Rose Breasted Grosbeaks were appearing at bird feeders everywhere last spring after that killing frost. He said their primary food source is tree buds and new leaves. Well, those were killed so they were looking for food then. I'm not sure if that applies to your situation but wanted to pass it along. I've NEVER seen one and am extremely envious! Good shots, too! Thanks for sharing.

  25. Your photos are fabulous, Robin - if you took that photo through the patio door it must be polished like a diamond... thanks for the look at a Rose-breasted Grosbeak...that would be a lifer for me, as it was for you!

    I hope you feel all the way better very soon.

    Annie at the Transplantable Rose

  26. I'm so glad you all have alluim so I can enjoy them. Everyone is posting their allium pictures, and I am commenting to everyone about how mine fried in 95 degrees last week. I's so sad. The grosbeak is amazing. Isn't watching wildlife fun? I've named the two baby does that keep eating the grass on our septic field - Emmie and Lulu! I'm crazy, I know!

  27. Love that bee shot. Good thing he was occupied!

  28. Robin, I am a young aspiring gardener and I recently happened upon your blog. I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE your photos and garden journaling. You inspire me and bring me back to my childhood in the country. Thanks for sharing!

  29. You've been inspiring me to try my hand at bird pictures. I don't think I have the patience for it yet - they move so fast! I've seen some wonderful cardinals and bluebirds lately, so I'm going to keep trying.

  30. Wonderful picture of the bee! My Alium blooms will be a little while yet. Yours is beautiful.
    Isn't it exciting to see a new bird at your feeder? We've had a few rosebreasted grosbeaks - both male and female - coming for a few weeks now. They consistently show up here in the spring. I'll post photos soon.
    The chickadees are favorites of mine too....always friendly!
    I hope your sore back and your cold are doing better.

  31. Stonking picture of the bee, really like it, enjoyed the damselfly to.

    Cheers Mark

  32. What a lovely allium... that purple color is awesome. love the bumblebee & Grosbeak shots too. Hope you are feeling better.
    Meems @Hoe&Shovel

  33. We had grosbeaks ,last year, but so far, they haven't returned this year. I was so hoping they would. They're not shy birds, are they? I was able to get quite close to them when taking pictures last year. I think they're so gorgeous!


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