
Tuesday, May 20, 2008

A Very Late Bloom Day Post

I've had an upper respiratory virus and have not felt well this past week. I've enjoyed visiting other blogs, but did not feel creative or energetic enough to post on the 15th for this months Garden Blogger Bloom Day, hosted by Carol, from May Dreams Gardens. So, here is my late Bloom Day post for May.

I bought this 'Karen' azalea last May, but the blooms were already past their prime. It has been so pretty this year and I'm thrilled to find an azalea that will grow here.

I have two Clematis vines that are blooming.

The dianthus is covered in buds and quite a few blooms.

I usually purchase pink 'Million Bells' Calibrachoa for the planters on the front porch. This year I found the purple and have mixed the pink and purple together. I think I actually prefer the purple.

The weather has been cool with temperatures dipping into the 40's at night, the lantana has not been very happy about that and none of the six plants I bought are doing particularly well. Hopefully they will perk up when the nights get warmer.

I'm enjoying this pink knockout rose bush and am now wishing I had purchased two more instead of buying the two red ones. They aren't as pretty, but then I am always partial to pink.

The red twig dogwood is blooming, at least, the one that the rabbits didn't eat is blooming, the other two are recovering from the assassination attempt.

Anyway, here is my belated bloom list:

Purple Wave Petunia
Dianthus - Cheddar pinks, Firewitch and Raspberry surprise
Purple Sage-
Red Salvia
Creeping phlox
Knockout roses

About to bloom:
Purple coneflowers
Rondo Bearded Tongue
Blue-eyed Grass
Lambs ear


  1. I'm glad you are feeling much better Robin and are on the road of recovery. Infections can be such a drag and very tiring too. But your blooms are very much worth the wait, simply gorgeous. It's always fun to compare the blooms you have now with the ones you had last year at the same time and it is also fun to try out new things.

  2. Robin, you have been on my mind lately. I am so glad to see a post from you knowing that this means you are feeling much better.

    Your blooms are gorgeous. There are so many colors of million bells and I like them all. I always have trouble deciding what colors I want. I want them all...

  3. Hi Robin, get better and feel well enough to get out into the garden soon. Your azaleas and dianthus are beautiful. The peony is so full of promise, how wonderful.

  4. A lovely blooming list Robin! Hope you are feeling much better. :c)

  5. Robin,

    I am so glad you are feeling better...and missed your posts, very much.

    This post is lovely and I agree the purple Million Bells is a delightful color. Love the photos of Azaleas and so wish they were happier here.


  6. Hope you are feeling better, and with this week forecasted to be warmer and sunny I hope that it will boost your spirits. :)

  7. Lovely photographs of gorgeous blooms. Glad you're on the mend. Spring colds are so annoying.

  8. Lots of lovely blooms--worth waiting for. I bought a couple lantana without blooms that are supposed to be a hot pink; I hope they look like yours.
    Glad you are feeling better; a virus is no fun, but especially not at this time of year.

  9. Hi Robin - hope you're on the way to recovery! It's fun to see your Bloom Day no matter what date it is.

    Most pink flowers around here are put in a separate Pink Entrance Garden - maybe you'd like that part of my yard best! If I'd seen those purple Million Belles they'd have come home with me, too!

    Annie at the Transplantable Rose

  10. So sorry you haven't been feeling well. I hope you are fully recovered very soon! Such beautiful photos of your blooms - they were worth the wait :)

  11. Ahhh, the spring affliction! Hopefully the worst is behind you and with all those blooms to keep you happy you should be well on the road to recovery. The clematis is divine and the peony with droplets, gorgeous!

  12. That Peony photograph is incredible. My annuals are not enjoying the cold night right now either. I'm hopeful our lantana will perk up in no time, mine our drooping, too!


  13. Your photos are gorgeous! Is that a dragonfly trellis I see?

  14. I just strolled over from ButtonWillow to have a peek in your garden. I'm sorry you are feeling ill!
    I wanted to leave a first note to let you know how much I enjoy visiting here. Your blooms are beautiful, but I truly love all your wild visitors! Especially George! What a surprise he must have been. I do hope he behaves himself, as they can be a mischievous lot...
    Hope you are on the mend quickly dear.
    Mistress--ButtonWillow Cottage

  15. Beautiful shots. Those azaleas are just breathtaking. I hope you feel better already. Take care!

  16. Robin, your blooms are beautiful. Glad your azaleas made it. I have the one my daughter got us for Easter planted and will see... I love your dragonfly with the roses! Of course, I am partial to them. :)

  17. Happy to see a post from you and sorry to hear you have been under the weather. My peonies are about like yours, but your clematis is ahead of mine.

    Thanks for joining us for bloom day, even late!

    Carol, May Dreams Gardens

  18. Stunning colors that you captured in your flowers!

  19. Robin - so sorry to hear you've been under the weather. I had it a few weeks ago and it kicked my *&@#. And you don't feel like blogging, even though that seems simple, so I get it. Your blooms are stunning, and I'm sure they were eagerly awaiting your return to the garden. Stay well.


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