
Monday, June 9, 2008

Bathing Birds, Blooms and Butterflies

There hasn't been a lot of leisure time for me outside this spring, but this morning, even though there was plenty I could have been doing, I decided to sit on the swing and read.

I have had quite a lot of bird activity here today. This young robin was near the patio this morning.

A robin and sparrow enjoying the birdbath.

I made this simple birdbath last year out of things I had in the garage taking up space. I have two other birdbaths but this one seems to be the favorite. It definitely gets the most use.

I was delighted to see the bluebird back today.

I was standing outside and she seemed a little skittish about getting into the water at first.

Not a very flattering picture of Ms. Bluebird.

I have a few purple coneflowers blooming right now. This one has the prettiest shape and color and is in the mailbox garden. It probably gets a little more sun than the others do.

More of the lily blooms have opened...

and the spirea, that I moved last fall, is blooming. I wasn't sure it would survive the move, but it did. It's not my favorite shrub and was one of several that the builder installed in the front flower bed. I had already moved the others and they all promptly died. I've had to trim this one back to the ground for the last few years because it was getting too large for the small front flowerbed. I moved it to the side of the house beside the gutter downspout. It seems to be very happy with all of the rain we've been getting.

The parsley in the butterfly garden that survived the winter is blooming. (I didn't know that parsley was a biennial.) The blooms have obviously attracted the butterflies because I notice some little caterpillars on them today. It surprised me to find them this early because I have only caught brief glimpses of a couple of butterflies.

We had a terrible thunderstorm earlier this evening with a heavy downpour and high winds. I was concerned about the tiny caterpillars on the parsley and checked on them after the storm passed. Thankfully they were still there.


  1. Your bird bath is great. How ingenious! I love the pictures of the birds are wet and fluffy looking. Your coneflowers and lilies are ahead of mine...? Glad your spirea likes it's new home. Plants-you just can't figure them out can you?

  2. It's nice to spend a morning in the garden just relaxing and reading, and enjoying the birds and flowers. Great pictures this evening. Hopefully, the rains wil end soon and we'll return to 'seasonable' weather, whatever that is!

    Carol, May Dreams Gardens

  3. Why does it not surprise me that a gentle soul like yourself went and checked on the caterpillars after the storm. :0)

    I hope all is well with the job and life.

  4. Love seeing your beautiful garden Robin, and seeing the birds enjoy that bird bath so much. :c)

  5. I am surprised that your parsley survives your winters. I haven't been lucky enough to have parsley survive winter here. I do have bronze fennel that the black swallowtail butterfly caterpillars like and it does come back and seeds itself quite easily.

    Your young robin is so cute. I love to see them triping around the garden discovering the best places to feed and bathe.

    I like that spirea. I know it is common as an old shoe but the butterflies and bees really like those blooms. The blooms fill in nice in cut flower arrangements for me sometimes too.

  6. You should know that with the lovely gardens and birds, you won't get much reading done outside. Great pictures.

  7. I'm glad you had some time to just sit and relax Robin. It's so refreshing. I haven't had time to visit your blog for a while so I spent some time reading past posts today. Your photos are always so beautiful, crisp and clear. Glad the bluebirds are coming back even if they didn't get the nestbox. The peonies are gorgeous. Mine are just beginning to open. Did you solve the roly poly problem??

  8. I hopped over here from Mary's blog...and I'm so glad I did.

    Your pictures are lovely! LOVE LOVE LOVE the Wet Bluebird!

  9. Ooooh, I love that bird bath! I have a saucer that keeps falling off of the post it's on and a stack of bricks nearby. I can hardly wait to put them all together. Brilliant!

  10. This is the first time I've seen a young robin, and I never would have been able to identify it on my own. I LOVE your birdbath - what a great idea!

  11. Great shots of the birds and blooms Robin.

    Love the bird bath!

  12. Robin, I love the photos. What a funny picture of Mrs. Bluebird.

    We did build a birdbath like yours. I just love the design so much. You are so clever.

    If you want to see our project, check it out here.

  13. How lucky you are to have a bluebird visit! That's a clever use of materials in your birdbath; the birds obviously approve.
    Hope your bad weather is over; here in Illinois things seem to have settled down.

  14. Robin your garden is beautiful with all these blooms and lilies surrounding you and not to mention the birds and turtles!! I love watching the robins bathing in the heat of the day cooling off in my pond!! You picked a good day to relax and watch nature from your sear on the swing!

  15. That is a great idea for a birdbath! The coneflower looks great, can't have too many of them. Now I need to go find some bricks and a terracotta saucer...

  16. Your birdbath is amazing - birds seem to be very happy. Sometimes pictures are not flattering - but this how sweet they can look :)

  17. I love your bird bath!! More great pics to view as usual!! Keep them coming for sure!

  18. Hi Robin,
    I have a fairly large perennial garden and am hoping to attract more birds and butterflies this summer. I just wanted to tell you that although they seem to be all over the place, those baby robins are just adorable with their speckles and squawky chirp! I don't care if they're not so rare - they sure are cute!

    laura t.

  19. Hi Robin,

    Your Bluebirds and Robins make me smile. Your photos are wonderful, as usual. And you created a great bath for them! Very clever!

    My birds are thirsty - beaks hanging open always. I'm glad they enjoy the pond the way they do.

    My coneflowers just opened nicely this week. Yours are so pretty!


  20. I love the birdbath, simple, but eloquent. Maybe I'll give something like that a try. The coneflower is beautiful and one of my all time favorites.

  21. Hi Robin!

    Thanks for letting me know about your new Sony. I read up on it and it sounds wonderful! Your photos are always great - have you posted any with your new camera yet?


  22. I see you weren't just reading, but had your camera with you too (it's impossible not to have it with you, isn't it?) :)
    How lucky you are to have a bluebird! That's a great shot of her all wet :)
    I always enjoy hearing and watching the robins...such cheerful birds.
    Great photos! Thanks for sharing your birds.

  23. I meant to add that I've never seen parsley bloom before. We've had it overwinter occasionally, but no blooms. I'm glad your caterpillars were OK :)
    Black Swallowtails like parsley. I wonder if that's what they are.


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