
Monday, June 16, 2008

June Garden Blogger Bloom Day

Another late Garden Blogger Bloom Day post for me. I look forward to visiting other gardeners who posted at May Dreams Garden to see what everyone else has blooming in the month of June.

I've never had success with roses that require spraying and fussing over, but I have several of the carpet roses and Knockout roses and they are doing quite well this year. They have smaller flowers and aren't all that spectacular, but they are trouble free and they provide a lot of blooms.


Petunias that were grown from seed indoors this winter.

The verbena bonariensis is blooming already.



Annual verbena



The mallow was grown from seed indoors this winter.

'May Night' is almost finished blooming. I've been dead-heading it to get another flush of blooms.

The pansies are looking a little weather weary. They won't last much longer in the heat.

I don't remember what this is. I'm not even sure when I bought it, but this is the first time it has bloomed. Does anyone know what it is?

The gerbera daisies that I over-wintered are just beginning to bloom. They bloomed all winter long, but stopped blooming when I put them back outside. One of them died, but the others have perked up and are putting on a show right now.


Knockout Rose
Lambs Ear

Front porch container with begonias.

Butterfly bush

Cherry Red butterfly pentas


My one and only daylily plant.

Here's what else is blooming for the month of June:

Purple coneflowers
Rondo Bearded Tongue
Blue-eyed Grass
Veronica Speedwell


  1. It the one you aren't sure of possibly Monarda or bee balm? The leaf looks like my monarda.

  2. Robin, such an array of beautiful flowers. I am impressed with your seed growing ability! And over wintering Gerbera is a feat. I love the container with the pink verbena, is that a mini bush in there? Your roses are lovely and I know what you mean about not being fussy like the hybrids. Thanks for sharing your garden.

  3. Sheila, I believe you are right. I noticed earlier that Frances at Faire Garden had it in her bloom day post too. Funny, I don't remember planting it. I grew some from seed but they don't look anything like this plant yet.

    Beckie, I planted a dwarf Alberta Blue spruce with the verbena. I'm not sure I will overwinter gerberas this winter. They bloomed all winter but they took up so much space.

  4. Wow, your blooms are lovely and your photos are fabulous! Great post, found you over at GBBD.

  5. Congratulations on having such nice flowers blooming!! They are lovely!

  6. Like you, I prefer the easy care Knockout roses over the fussier ones--I would, and have, killed tea roses. I am impressed, too, with all the plants you started from seed or over-wintered. My dad tried to keep a Gerbera daisy this past winter, with no luck. If you want another daylily, I could send you some:)

  7. Everything is just lovely in your garden

  8. Beautiful blooms Robin. I love knockout roses, wish I had enough sun for them. I planted a few for a client last week. She's in love with them.

  9. Wow! I have never known anyone who grew petunias from seeds. So impressive. Your flowers are just lovely.

  10. I think the mystery plant is a Monarda as well

  11. Your indoor seed starting has paid off well with earlier blooms on the Mallow & all those vibrant Petunias. You have a bit of a mystery going with that Monarda. It is such a great color. Is anyone nearby growing it?

  12. I agree with MMD - it's only June but you already have such vigorous, good-sized plants blooming from seed, Robin! The container holding the petunias is such a pretty one, and I love the evergreen in with the verbena.

    Happy Blooming Day,

    Annie at the Transplantable Rose

  13. Hi Robin, I do agree that the mystery plant is a monarda, and a pretty one too. They are spreaders that come up in unexpected places far from the original planting site, where the mother plant often dies. Your butterfly bush is gorgeous, those are one of my favorite summer flowers. You should be very proud of your seed started babies, the petunia has really grown. Love the pink mallow too. Great work!

    Frances at Faire Garden

  14. Hi Robin, Your pictures are worth waiting for, you are such a good photographer and have a marvelous selection of blooms to show off.

    I also have carpet roses and they smell so good. I love to bring inside those sweet little blooms.

    I agree that your mystery plant is a monarda otherwise known as a bee balm.

  15. It all looks awesome. I'm glad to see some of your seeds made it to bloom time. I hope you are doing well.

  16. Hello there,

    Thank you for coming to visit on GBBD.
    What a lovely collection of plants out in your garden this month.
    If I were to come and steal one of those plants it would be the lavatera/mallow, or the unusual yellow/orange pansies, or the monarda, or the lovely coral red gerbera or...
    Why don't I steal them all.
    Just as well I am a safe distance away and not very mobile ;-)

  17. OH, verbena bonariensis? I think I've mixed that up with another plant. NOw I have an unnamed plant! lol. thanks for visiting my blog.

  18. How nice that you finally found the roses that do well in your garden. They look great! My verbena is flowering as well but not my zinnias. Your plants raised from seed look amazing, mine are not even half way there. Happy GBBD!

  19. Hi again Robin what stunning photos once again:-)

    I love the first rose shot – beautiful! I can’t believe that your verbena is flowering already. I am guessing from another comment you made that the butterflies are not visiting it yet. Ours is nowhere near that :-)

    I love the deep colour of the gerbera too but my lambs ear has pale yellow flowers not purple. I like the purple. I look forward to seeing some shots of the purple coneflower. I always associate you with the deep pink coneflowers, butterflies and birds :-D

    Enjoy the rest of your week :-D

  20. Robin, as gorgeous as your pictures always are, your flowers and yard look even lovelier in person! :-) It was delightful getting to visit you and the family! Talk to you later!


  21. The mystery plants looks like Monarda (Bee Balm), but I see you've already had an ID...several times :)
    I've often thought of you as I was watering my seedlings throughout the late winter, and now into spring...wondering how well you did with all the planting. How nice to have such early blooms on the petunias and others. The mallow is such a beautiful color.
    Your blooms are looking fabulous, Robin!

  22. I would say Monarda/bee balm also. When we had our farm in NJ this color grew wild. It would fill the whole field with wonderful purple blooms and the butterflies and bees had a hayday!!

  23. I would say Monarda/bee balm also. When we had our farm in NJ this color grew wild. It would fill the whole field with wonderful purple blooms and the butterflies and bees had a hayday!!

  24. Your coneflowers are blooming? Mine aren't quite yet, but I'm beginning to see buds.

    Thanks for joining in for bloom day!

    Carol, May Dreams Gardens


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