
Monday, January 14, 2013

He Acts Like He Owns the Place!

 What crazy winter weather we have in Indiana! Saturday was a beautiful sunny day with a high of 63°! What a glorious break for those of us who get a little weary of the grey winter skies!Yesterday the temperatures started dropping and we had torrential rains with flooding. This morning when I went out to fill the bird feeders it was snowing and 16°!

I am still enjoying my mockingbird visitor! Here he/she is eating chunky peanut butter! I thought I would put a few meal worms, seeds and peanuts in a yellow cup to see who my first brave visitor would be. The chickadee was first but too fast to capture and the mockingbird was next. He is beginning to act like he owns the place!


  1. He looks like he might have an attitude.:)

  2. Great pictures of your visitor! I must admit Mockingbirds may be my favorite. Several live in our yard and we've had so many born here. It's so fun to watch the babies walk around doing the "mockingbird walk". Maybe they're getting used to me because I can get pretty close to them and they don't seem to mind. They love the apples I put out for them.

  3. Neat, Robin.. He truly feels safe there!!!! I have NEVER had a Mockingbird at any of my feeders --EVER... Crazy, huh?

  4. If he's anything like our mockingbird, he probably does think he owns the place.

    Wonderful photos, Robin.

  5. We have a mocking bird that comes here every winter and acts like he owns the place. I don't know where it comes from or where it goes after all the berries are eaten. I wish I knew. Great photos.

  6. Gorgeous, and nice to see somewhere that there isn't a coating of white, lol.



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