
Monday, January 21, 2013

No Winter Whining

There is a new meme called, " No Winter Whining- Finding Color in Winter".  It is Jen from Muddy Boot Dreams and  Heather from, Life is a garden.

Winter is in full force today and the temperatures have plummeted! We are under a weather advisory due to wind chills to -20°, but I'm not whining! As the snow fell and the wind blew, I sat for a few hours bird watching! Camera in hand, of course!

It is kind of hard to complain about the weather when I'm safe inside all cozy and warm and especially when I am watching the birds! They just make me happy!

So here is my contribution to Finding Color in Winter!

Hope you enjoy!

Okay, so maybe a little bit of whining, but only because I wanted a caption and could think of nothing clever to say!

You can follow No Winter Whining on Facebook and Pinterest, Jen has the links on her blog post!


  1. Goodness, you got some wonderful pictures!

  2. what joys!

    Happy Aloha to YOU
    from Honolulu,
    Comfort Spiral
    ~ > < } } ( ° >
    > < } } ( ° >

  3. There are a few ruffled feathers, aren't there? I love the bird photos. We see a lot on our feeders but it's so hard to get good pics! enjoy your week!

  4. I know that I do more than my share of whining about the cold weather,but honesty,there is so much beauty,even in winter.I am also thankful to have warm clothes and a warm home.

  5. What great photos! The birds certainly like the back of that chair.

  6. Oh girl! You did a great job of finding pretty color and such sweet little birdies too! Oh how I wish I could have more in my yard at a feeder but my naughty cats would just think it was their dinner so I try to just plant things that the birds would like in trees and keep water around near where they can make a fast escape.
    Blessings to you

  7. What absolutely stunning photos!!! I absolutely love them, love the colour... wonderful! Thank you for stopping by my blog today and joining in on the "no winter whining" meme... looking forward to seeing more of your lovely photos! Cheers~

  8. Gorgeous photos, as always, Robin. We've had very little winter down here. A day or two at most. If I had a meme it would be something like "Savoring Summer - Sourthern Delights" =)

  9. Your birds are lucky to have their cafe open. I am sure they are grateful. Happy Winter.

  10. I love the pictures!! The birds sure like that blue chair!! My favorite picture is "bad hair day". It made me laugh!! Thanks for a good start to my morning!

  11. Hi Robin. Visiting from Heather’s No Winter Whining. Bad Hair Day said winter static best of all. Glad you joined in. See you next week.

  12. Robin, oh those birds, they are so cute.

    And thanks for showing us the Downey woodpecker up close, we have some visiting, but it's darker under the trees and they are shy.

    Thanks for joining in No Winter Whining link up.

    Let me know if I can pin some of those photos to the NWW pinterest board.


  13. Love the birds! Bird watching definitely cheers up the winter season! I am visiting up in the Northeast for a few days and doing my best not to whine at the cold weather!

  14. LOVE your winter bird pictures Robin. They are stunning!


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