Then I remembered a conversation I heard several months ago at church when some of the ladies were talking about how wonderful Lestoil was for removing stains from the church tablecloths. I had purchased some and had it in my laundry room. I decided to take the plunge and remove the fabric from the cushion. Because Lestoil has a strong petroleum smell, I first washed the fabric in cold water with regular laundry detergent. It didn't remove the stains and it still smelled strongly of feces. Yes, it was that bad.
I put a very small amount of Lestoil on the cushion and with a gloved hand rubbed the spots, I even used a small infant toothbrush in some areas. I washed the fabric again and this time the stains were completely gone and so was the smell. Yes, I did the sniff test again.
I took the fabric straight from the washing machine and put it back on the cushion and let it dry outside. Thankfully it didn't shrink and it looks great!
I don't usually plug products on my blog, but this stuff is amazing! I'm thrilled to have discovered it and thought I'd pass the info along to you!
Thanks for the info.I will be looking for this product.
You have to really love your Mother-in-law to be willing to clean that chair! Bless your heart! My MIL passed away in May from Ahlzheimers. It takes a toll on the care givers!
Thanks for the tip , finding lots of items get tossed out because stains don't come out.
I am familiar with this old fashioned product. I have used it many times because I used to leave lipstick or chapstick in my pocket occasionally and it would go through the wash dry cycle. Just think how I felt having ruined a whole load of laundry like that. The lestoil took out the baked in lipstick without any negative side affects. Wonderful stuff even though it smells awful.
Thanks for the great tips, Robin. I'm so glad it worked for you so that you could save this chair. I haven't used Lestoil in years and had in fact forgotten about it. But when I saw your heading it reminded me that I used it years ago when my daughter left some crayons in her pocket and I accidentally washed them in her pants. Sometimes the old stuff really works the best!
I use Lestoil for grease stains all the time! I am not sure how long it would take to get that smell out of a chair though. It is the miracle product.
I've never even heard of it! I'll have to give it a try. With two toddlers, I am always looking for a way to get out stains. Thanks!
I, for one, appreciate the info.
It's funny/sad how with all the money going to market new products 'oxyclean! shazam! blah blah blah' the old products that really work get forgotten.
Bar keeper's friend (shiny pots) and borax (totally destinks your towels) to the rescue!
I will add lestoil to my list
Interesting, where do you find it? Thanks for the tip.
Thanks for the tip Robin. I could use a product like that from time to time. I'm glad it worked for you so you could keep the chair.
Robin, so glad it worked for you. And bravo to you for your efforts on the chair. You are a special person. :)
I used Lestoil years ago when my girls were small. It always did a wonderful job. A few months ago, I looked for it again and couldn't find it at any of the bigger name stores-finally found it at a country Amish store. Did you know it takes gum of hair?
You are a kind soul to give so much of yourself and show such care for your MIL...not just anybody would go to that trouble. I am glad for this tip, because I've had to get rid of many things when I couldn't get grease or other stains out. It's a bonus that it still works even AFTER the stained item has gone through the washer and dryer, with the stain seemingly permanantly embedded. You are a spokesperson for Lestoil...they may sell a million bottles after your post;-)
Holy cow. This is remarkable. I've never heard of this product but will certainly look for it ... somewhere! Thanks, Robin.
A good tip Robin! We use another product on our clothes that also gets rid of grease...Fels Naptha. I have used it to wash off poison ivy oils and it works!
My mom used Lestoil and I remember the commercials. I didn't even know it was still around. I'll have to look for some.
i am sure i will be buying this product...thanks for the tip.
happy november.
Always like to hear about good products that work!
Thanks for the comments! I bought my Lestoil several months ago at Walmart, when I looked for it again yesterday I couldn't find it.
Gail, I have some Fels Naptha soap that I bought when visiting an Amish community, but have never used it.
Robin, thanks for the tip. I wonder if I can find it here. We all need this kind of honesty when dealing with life's messiness. Again, thanks.~~Dee
Thanks so much for the tip. I have two cats who sometimes vomit on my white carpet. It's difficult to remove the stains with carpet spray. I will give this a try next time. I haven't thought about Lestoil in years, in fact, I didn't realize it was even made any more!
Wow Robin I have never heard of this...but with all our stains I will have to check into it.
I love the picture slideshow on your sidebar...I think I could just sit here and watch it all day! Kim
Robin......any advice on stubborn stains on a wool carpet? I might just try that lestoil to see if that will work -
thanks for the advice! and good to see you at the farm too
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Thank you for the tip. I shall see if I can get it on line.
Robin, I don't think I've used Lestoil in my adult life but I do remember my Mom always used it!
Thank tomorrow I will be in the grocery store and pick up a bottle.
Robin, Brian works on our cars all the time and I wouldn't be able to get his greasy jeans and shirts clean without old trusty Lestoil. It is wonderful product and I am glad it worked on that lovely wingback chair for you.
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