I have quite a bit of Queen Anne's Lace this year since I haven't been mulching. I'm not particularly fond of it since it tends to spread everywhere, yet I am hesitant to remove anything that attracts the pollinators to the garden. I have one with a little pink rosette right in the center of it. I think I'll use them for cut flowers and try to prevent them from going to seed this year.
The bee balm is doing its job of attracting all kinds of pollinators.
I was thrilled to see another hummingbird moth this year. I spent more time than I should have following it around the yard trying to get pictures of it.
They are so fast and so small that it is nearly impossible for me to get really good pictures of them. I had my little Sony DSC-H50 outside with me. It is a great point and shoot camera and I thought it did a pretty good job, considering the subject.
Its favorite flowers were the liatris and the bee balm. Usually they like lantana too but I didn't plant any this year.
The hibiscus is in bloom. I love the pink blush on this enormous white flower.
The chickadee waiting its turn for the bird feeder.
The goldfinch in no hurry at all. Both very brave to venture so close to the patio while I'm sitting on the swing.
This little piggy has been entertaining the cats for days now, driving them crazy as he runs back and forth across the patio to get to the sunflower seeds.
He stuffs his little cheeks so full of seeds until they are literally sticking out of his mouth. I've enjoyed watching him, but I sure hope he doesn't decide to start a family here.
When I saw this partially opened sunflower I couldn't help but think about this verse, "Set a guard, O LORD, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips.
Psalm 141:2-4" and the "Speak no evil" phrase.
As you enjoy your summer, please be kind to your skin and yourself. My brother just got word that his melanoma cancer is back and it is now in his lymph nodes. Both he and my mother have had melanoma. Please pray for him as he fights this third cancer diagnosis in a year.