Monday, March 17, 2008

First Crocus and the Swizzle


Saturday was Garden Blogger Bloom Day and I didn't have one single outside bloom to report. I had forgotten to look on the side of the house where I have a new flowerbed. I just happened to walk past that side of the house on Sunday and notice this purple crocus in full bloom.

Swizzle Zinnia
One of the flowers that brought me immense pleasure last summer was the Swizzle zinnia. At the end if the season I collected what I hoped were seeds, they were terribly thin and didn't seem like viable zinnia seeds. A few days ago I decided to plant a few just to see if they were really seeds.
Well, I'm very happy to report that my first attempt, has been successful! Now I will try a few more. FUN! FUN! FUN!

The Purple Wave petunias are getting larger and all forty of them are growing!

I've been asked what I will do with all of my plants. Most of them I will keep and plant around the perimeter of the yard. I'd love to start a butterfly garden in the courtyard of the nursing home where my mother-in-law resides, so, many of the plants will go there.

Also, I'm on the neighborhood HOA committee and I've volunteered to help beautify the common area that is beside by home. I plan to plant some of the flowers on the street corner around the new playground rules sign we are installing. With the new flowerbed and the new sign posting the rules, hopefully it will be a more beautiful and pleasant place to live. I can only hope.


Stacy said...

I wish our HOA were more community-oriented. I would love for them to plant flowers or start a community garden - but they only seem to have energy to hand out our dues.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

Robin, you are going to be so busy with gardening this spring and summer with all the areas that you are going to plant. I know all your efforts will be much appreciated. I can't wait to see all your efforts. Be sure to keep the ole camera at the ready.

garden girl said...

How neat that you share your gardening talents and your plants with your community.

Mr. McGregor's Daughter said...

I guess this means it's really spring by you. It'll be a couple of days before my first Crocus opens.

beckie said...

The flowers are gorgeous. Don't those crocus surprise us! You are very community minded, and I hope you are appreciated. I'm sure your MIL will love the flowers!

Anonymous said...

Wow! That Swizzle zinnia is beyond gorgeous. I'm glad to see your seedlings doing so well! -Jen :)

Frances, said...

What a wonderful surprise that the saved seeds germinated, that is one gorgeous zinnia! It sounds like your plans for all those seedlings will make good use of them for many to enjoy. I admire your thoughtfulness.

Frances at Faire Garden

Anonymous said...

I hope those zinnia seeds produce the same zinnias. I was hoping my Senorita Rosalita Cleome would have some seeds that would produce the same hybrid---still not sure it's a cultivar. I may not be at this house long enough to find out. I'll have to drive by and spy on the new owners. I do love that Swizzle and will try it. I don't have good luck with zinnias for some reason. Do they need lots of water?

Diana said...

Whoo - hoo! Congratulations on all your seedlings! They are so cute and look so healthy. And your crocus is beautiful. I'm trying some seedlings for the 2nd time and hoping I figure out how to transition them from the little cloche dome to the real world without killing them! Good luck with all of yours and your planting them all around to share your garden's bounty.

Anonymous said...

Very cool and glad you had something to report! Better late than never right!

Robin's Nesting Place said...

Suzyq, our HOA isn't community- oriented either, in fact they have been very neglectful of this area, I'm just trying to make a difference.

Hi, Lisa, I'll definitely have the camera ready.

Gardengirl, the nursing home has a nice but neglected courtyard area, usually full of weeds. They've taken such good care of my m-i-l, I'd love to do something for them.

Mr. McGreggor's daughter, it was so cold and rainy today, it didn't feel much like spring, but it is just around the corner.

Beckie, my m-i-l always loved flowers, even now with her Alzheimer's that is one of the very few things she still enjoys.

Jen, that IS one gorgeous zinnia plant! I loved taking pictures of it.

Frances, I had to make other plans, just no way to fit all of these in my yard.

Anna, I hope it will look the same. Now that you said that I think I did read somewhere that the seeds wouldn't be true. It is worth a try though.

Hi, Diana, which seedlings are you trying? They sound fussy.

Thanks Mon@rch, definitely better late than never!

Anonymous said...

Love the flower photos, especially the crocus.

Kylee Baumle said...

I've just got to get busy here! I've still got seeds I need to get started! I love 'Swizzle' too, but I'll be growing the seeds from 'Zowie'. They may or may not be true, but I'm sure they'll be pretty.

Yay, you've got a crocus! None in bloom here, yet, but I've got a couple double snowdrops opening up!

Your photos are always so beautiful, Robin.

Esther Montgomery said...


Thank you for dropping by


through Blotanical.

I'm stunned to see such big, bright pictures on a blogspot blog - I find that very hard to achieve without distortion.

My garden isn't as big as I would like it to be - and hot weather gives me a headache - so I've tried to make it shady, with 'cool' greens and whites (plus occasional gllimpses of orange).

If I had a bigger garden - I'd make big splashes of orange clashing with purple.

Esther Montgomery

Randy said...

I've never done very well with seeds. You guys are starting to inspire me to try again. Maybe I'll start this weekend.:-)

María José said...

Your blog is fantastic!!! it´s gorgeous, lovely!!! I have no words!!
Could I link it from my blog?
It is a diary about my litlle garden in Spain.
Thanks beforehand!!
María José Souto

Anonymous said...

You take such wonderful photographs of flowers! I love what you posted today. Your mother-in-law is a lucky woman to have someone who cares as you do. And your neighborhood is lucky to have you as well!

Mary said...

Whew! What color! I think you'll enjoy beautifying the common area, especially since it's next to your home. You will need to fill us in on the progress.

Nice photos, Robin!

Melanie Chopay said...

Robin, that swizzle zinnia is fantastic! I'll be looking for it's look-alike this year.

joey said...

Lovely capture of your swizzle zinnia, Robin. Our village (1 square mile) has multiple gardens that our garden club tends throughout the year ... a huge effort ... a huge reward.

Sherry at the Zoo said...

Wow! Spring is really here. Each day brings new surprises, doesn't it? How sweet of you to pass along some sunshine to others by sharing your flowers with them.

Yolanda Elizabet Heuzen said...

I'm trying to raise Zinnias from seed this year too Robin. It will be a first for me as I haven't grown them before. When I saw them last year on yours and Kylee's blog I felt that I should give them a try as they are so gorgeous.

Your lone crocus is going from strength to strength I see. ;-)

Jessica said...

Oh, I am still patiently waiting on my Crocus! The Swizzle doesn't even look's stunning!

Amy said...

I would like to plant a butterfly garden someday soon, so I'll be very interested to see yours! I often think to myself that I'm gardening for "the three B's"...birds, bees, and butterflies. Unfortunately, sometimes a fourth "B" comes to visit...bears!

Annie in Austin said...

Good luck with the seedlings, Robin - and the neighborhood improvement plan! The 'Swizzles' appear to be hybrids, so I have a feeling the zinnia offspring will be fun to see and probably pretty but may not be uniform in appearance. It will be interesting to find out what happens.

Annie at the Transplantable Rose

Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Servidor, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

Kerri said...

It's great that your zinnia seeds germinated. An easy way to test them for viability is to place a few in a folded paper towel, and the place in a self-closing plastic bag. They usually germinate within a week...or not.
Your crocus is gorgeous!
Happy spring Robin, although is decidedly unspringy here. Hope it's better there.
Happy Easter to you too!

Anonymous said...

Now see what you find when you walk around the side of the house. ;-) All your blooms, inside and out, are gorgeous. And congrats on all your seedlings.

sarah said...

You take so many beautiful pictures!