Several people have mentioned to me that my RSS feeds are not updating, but I'm not sure what to do about it. I had to update my feed for Blotanical and I think that is when my troubles started. I don't want to choose between Blotanical and my friends and others who follow my blog. Does anyone know how I can fix this problem?
I'm still getting the feeds from other Blotanical people who also had to change their feeds, so I think I've just done something incorrectly. Please help!
I've been playing with my photography some today. I bought several display foam boards at Hobby Lobby to use for my background. It was cloudy and I couldn't get the lighting right so the flash was too bright, but I like the colors! I have the hardest time photographing daffodils. I definitely need more practice.
Robin I think the daffodils turned out beautiful, along with all your pictures. Keep on shooting and I'll keep looking! You're very talented!!
This tech things really bug me too. Sometimes my comment box doesn't work, sometimes people can't read my post from google's following list ... I have no idea what happen, nor what to do..
As for your picture, it's beautiful. I like those yellow daffodils.
My feeder just gave me 13 of your posts. Hmmmmmmm I didn't realize that Iwasn't getting your posts until now. Heck I can't fix anything techy. I wish I could help you.
These daffs are gorgeous. It doesn't look like you had trouble with them.
Hi there, I love Blotanical, but it does a number to my computer. When I click on a page it opens about 30 times on me. I have had to shut down and restart my computer almost every time. So I go there and look, then save the sites to my Blogger Dashboard. It never gives me trouble and I think it is easier. Anyway, love the pics and have a great day! ~Brooke
Robin, Your posts are still not showing up on my sidebar blogroll, but they do on my followers' list on my Blogger dashboard. I am no help at all, though, in how to correct this--maybe Stuart has some ideas?
I visit Blotanical occasionally, but I have never figured out how to do "picks." And on Blogger a month ago I added the "followers" list just to keep track of people I hadn't added to my sidebar, but I noticed I don't show up as a follower on their blog.
Sorry to ramble so much...I just can't figure out all this technical stuff; I just want to read other people's posts and be able to post mine occasionally:)
Your daffodils look beautiful to me!
Robin, your posts are coming occasionally to my sidebar and sometimes in Blotanical. I don't know. I did update the feedburner to the google one-- took a number of hours to figure out the correct address for the new feedburner. I am not sure how I finally got it. Too many paths that I can't tell you exactly which one I ended up on. I did Google how to change the feedburner. there were a few websites that were more helpful than others.
Love the daffodils!
You and VP are both having blog format problems today, Robin! We're such Luddites we don't even know how to post photos, much less fix techno-problems. But I think your daffodil photo is lovely! Makes me even more eager for ours!
Robin, I can access your blog from my sidebar... Once my data is transferred from the old computer to the new one I will go back to using my Firefox bookmark program to see new posts....I visit folks from there and then go to Blotanical for new bloggers. I use Firefox as my blogging browser because Blogger does not support Safari/mac format. Editing is a nightmare , but that is another techie issue.
Lovely daffs! Hope you get all this stuff worked out! Gail
Robin, what ever you did you are showing up on my sidebar again. Thank goodness! Like Rose, I am not comfortable on Blotanical. I get frustrated way to easily. :)
The daffodils are lovely and you did a great job of photoing them. That blue backgroung really makes them standout.
Hope you get things figured out-I'm just glad to have you back where I can read you.
Thank you all for the comments! It must just be a Blogger issue. I didn't change anything, all I did was check to make sure the feed was still there, (it was) and I just hit save anyway. I guess that must have taken care of it. Hmmm...
Your 'critical eye' might be a bit to critical Robin! Your photo is gorgeous! I found this post through my Google Reader on my Dashboard...that usually seems to work. I like to view my sidebar sometimes too...and you are there right now (but it's 12 hrs later than when you wrote it). When I am on blotanical I have trouble reading blogs and picking, at the same time, because it takes literally a minute of waiting before I can get back to the current 'picks' page after having been on a blog. I am getting frustrated w/a lot of it, I hate to admit;-( It's easier to read posts from google, and then go to blotanical occasionally and pick. Anyway, your posts are showing up fine now, and, your daff's are gorgeous!
Hi Robin - So glad you're back ;)
I use Google Reader and have iGoogle for my home page. This morning. This post came up & I just clicked on Google Reader which says you have 12 new posts.
Just the other day I was wondering what was up with you because I thought SURELY you're taking pictures now that spring is creeping in.
Your daffodils are LOVELY & the blue background was inspired. Does your camera have manual focus? I miss using an SLR just for that. When the subject doesn't have enough value contrast, it's hard for the sensors to focus in some modes. So the daffodils could be tricky to shoot with auto focus. Sometimes trying different modes will help.
It looks to me like the photo could be a full page in a gardening or decorating book! The blue background provides the right contrast to bring out the beauty of the daffodils and vase.
I think you did a great job photographing the daffs, Robin. I'm getting your updates from Blogger, fine.
When I changed feeds it took about a week for them to restart again. Good luck.
Robin, I swear computers and the Interwebs just like to sit around in the morning, over a latte and bran muffins, discussing what they can do to play with our heads today! Your latest post hasn't shown up yet in my sidebar feed but I haven't refreshed my page yet either. It's all weirdness and annoyances, but if it hadn't have shown up I'd have gone looking for you anyway.
Yea! I'm getting them again! Love the daffodils! It's such a happy picture! :-)
Hey dear. I think your daffodil photo is quite striking. Great idea about the foam boards. Looks like you're really enjoying your 50D!
Yea! I'm so glad it is working again!
I'm glad you got it working Robin. I had no helpful answers! Buying the display boards is a great idea tho. I use the white foam board all the time for bouncing light.
I came from another blog, where your post about uninvited guests showed up as your latest post. I have been trying to read blogs from my own list as often as from blotanical, as I sometimes miss posts and blogs when reading from there.
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