On November 15, I was invited by
Mr. McGregor's Daughter, to participate in the 8 Random Things meme. My mom and dad were here visiting for several days and just left out this morning, so I'm just now getting around to it.
I'm not usually one to participate in a meme about myself, in fact I've been tagged twice before for this same one and chose not to participate. I've enjoyed the
anonymity on my garden blog and have been hesitant to relinquish it. I decided, however, that I would do it this time because I enjoy getting to know others better and felt that it was only fair to allow others who might be interested to know a little about me too.
So, here is how the Eight Random Things meme works:
When tagged, you must link to the person who tagged you, then post the rules before your list, and list eight random things about yourself. At the end of the post, you must tag and link to eight other people.I'm a pretty boring person and have had a difficult time time thinking of eight things about me that anyone would find interesting. I am also not a creative writer but I'll give it a try anyway.
First of all, this is me, Robin, of Robin's Nesting Place.

And here are the 8 very random things about me.
1. I've been a stay-at-home mom for over 20 years. While growing up, I never desired to have a career, I only wanted to be a wife and mom. I'm very thankful that I've been able to live out that dream. I became a wife, right after my 20
th birthday, to the love of my life and my "soul mate". The mom part didn't come quite so easily for me because I struggled for years with infertility, had several miscarriages and a full-term baby boy who was stillborn. For about 10 years I was
obsessed with having children and my life was an emotional roller coaster.
2. I have been abundantly blessed with two wonderful children, a daughter who is now 20 and a son 15. I have had the privilege and joy of homeschooling for 12 years with only three more to go until my son graduates.

3. I love to read, (all four of us do). We have bookshelves in nearly every room and have a massive collection of books. My collection is all non-fiction and includes a variety of topics: religious, homeschooling/educational, diet and nutrition, health, cooking, home/family, gardening, and photography. When I become interested in a topic I tend to collect and read numerous books on the subject, (if only I could remember what I read).
4. A perfect example for number 3, is my interest in diet and nutrition. I am fascinated with the subject and personally have over one hundred books just on this topic alone. I've probably also checked out that many or more books from the local library. I am a "health nut" wannabe, I just lack the discipline to follow through most of the time. I even own a very expensive juicer and a grain mill, both of which are used sporadically when I am on a health kick.
5. I asked my husband and son for a random fact about me and both said immediately that I am a good cook. I do enjoy cooking and I love to eat, which is another reason why I have a hard time eating healthy. Thankfully, no one in my family is a picky eater so I enjoy cooking a variety of things and trying new recipes.
6. I have always been terrified of heights. My worst nightmares have to do with falling.
7. My husband had a job for 15 years that included a reward trip once a year. I was expected to go on those trips. Did I mention that I am terrified of heights? This especially includes flying. I wish I could say that I overcame my fear of flying during that time, but I didn't. It took every ounce of courage in me to go on the trips. Once there, I enjoyed them immensely and I'm very thankful for those wonderful opportunities that I would have never experienced on my own.
I've traveled to:
The Big Island of Hawaii,
Vienna, Austria
Sydney, Australia
Alaska for an Inside Passage cruise,
Sedona, Arizona, (twice),
Disneyland in Orlando, Florida.
Atlantis in the Bahamas
I'm sad to say that there were a few trips where I couldn't muster up the courage to fly, (of course I made up other excuses too), and my husband had to go without me. Can you believe that I missed seeing London, Rome, Ireland, The Boulders in Scottsdale, Arizona and Montreal, Canada? He did take our daughter on two of the trips. She went with him to Rome and London, which was a great educational experience for her.
8. My husband and I share the same birthday, March 4, 1962. This usually causes a brief moment of confusion for those who are collecting information on us, (banks, insurance and mortgage companies).
I don't really want to tag others for the meme, but I hope others who haven't already, will join in and tell us "8 Random Things" about yourself.