It has been quite a while since my last post. Thank you all for the comments that have been left for me.
This has been a difficult month for me. I've had a nasty respiratory virus that's had me coughing and not feeling particularly well for about a month and other health related things that have been bothersome.
I've also been very discouraged and disappointed in some people that I know who have made very poor decisions and have hurt their loved ones. I've been sad and probably even depressed.
I've always wanted my blog to be a place of cheer and encouragement for those who visit. It makes my day when people comment that a picture or a post has brought them cheer.
Honestly, it has been difficult for me to see much beauty in the ordinary things lately, so I've not been taking many nature pictures and the ones I have taken have not pleased me.

I really needed this special time of Thanksgiving to focus on those many things I'm thankful for. I needed to be reminded to focus on blessings and not problems. It has been a very enjoyable Thanksgiving for us even though we couldn't be with extended family this year.
I'm feeling better now both physically and emotionally and hope to post more regularly again.
I'm so thankful for each of you who faithfully reads this blog of mine and I'm thankful for your blogs that I've continued to read, even though I haven't felt much like commenting recently.
I hope that each of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoyable time with your loved ones.
On a side note, my computer is sounding strange tonight. So, if by chance you don't hear from me, it may be that I have computer problems. I do hope that isn't the case.