Several years ago, when my mother-in-law went in the nursing home, we took her favorite wing back chair to her room. I recently had to remove it because it was getting badly soiled. I wasn't quite sure how to remove the gross stains, but I considered calling a carpet/upholstery cleaning service to come and clean the chair.
Then I remembered a conversation I heard several months ago at church when some of the ladies were talking about how wonderful Lestoil was for removing stains from the church tablecloths. I had purchased some and had it in my laundry room. I decided to take the plunge and remove the fabric from the cushion. Because Lestoil has a strong petroleum smell, I first washed the fabric in cold water with regular laundry detergent. It didn't remove the stains and it still smelled strongly of feces. Yes, it was that bad.
I put a very small amount of Lestoil on the cushion and with a gloved hand rubbed the spots, I even used a small infant toothbrush in some areas. I washed the fabric again and this time the stains were completely gone and so was the smell. Yes, I did the sniff test again.
I took the fabric straight from the washing machine and put it back on the cushion and let it dry outside. Thankfully it didn't shrink and it looks great!

I also had a nice fall shirt that had grease from a hay ride all over the back. I was just sick about it and thought it was ruined. I used Shout and washed the shirt, none of the grease came out. I rubbed the Lestoil on the stains and washed the shirt again and every speck of grease was gone!
I don't usually plug products on my blog, but this stuff is amazing! I'm thrilled to have discovered it and thought I'd pass the info along to you!