It is definitely beginning to look like spring, even though it hasn't particularly felt like it. The temperature has dropped and it has been rainy and cold.
Although it was cold yesterday, the sky was a gorgeous blue. The maple trees are in bloom and the birds are beginning to nest.

I love to feed and watch the birds but it can be an expensive hobby. I try to be very budget conscious and I am always on the lookout for creative ways to enjoy my hobby without straining our tight budget. Last year I found two hanging baskets at a garage sale for .50¢ each. I bought them with the intention of using them for the birds. I pulled one of them out last week and filled it with grass cuttings and strands of yarn. I was so excited to see the little chickadees going to the basket and getting nesting materials, (notice the little chickadee in the picture on the lower right). The robins have also shown interest and are sitting in it. I'm really hoping that a robin will actually nest in it. They usually try to nest in my front door wreath so I'm thinking about hanging the other one on the front porch, (if it isn't too much of an eyesore).
I also bought the bird house at a garage sale last year. A sweet lady was getting ready to move and selling some of her belongings. Her husband had made several birdhouses before he passed away. The cute little chickadees have been checking out the box and taking some of the nesting material to it. I hope they move in!
Every spring I collect Lilly's hair when I brush her and put it in a small suet cage. Sometimes I just leave it on the ground. It's fun to watch the birds gather her shiny golden dog hair and use it for nesting material.
Speaking of garage sales and the front porch, I bought these two rocking chairs at a garage sale a couple of years ago. I only had room for one of them in the car but they insisted that I take both of them and gave me a great deal, $10.00 each. It was definitely worth making a trip back with my husband in the van to get them both. I scrubbed and cleaned them well and spray painted them. I found the two pretty pillows at Goodwill a few days ago, they were like brand new for $1.99 each. I need to get out there this week and give the porch a good cleaning and do a little more sprucing up for spring!
I'm linking up today with Mary, from the Little Red House for Mosaic Monday and Rhoda from Southern Hospitality for Today's Thrifty Treasures