Monday, May 28, 2007

End of May Blooms

We were gone from home for only a few days so I was quite surprised at how things had grown in my absence. It looked as if everything had been given a heavy dose of Miracle Grow. Thankfully, it rained while we were gone, so I didn't loose anything. I was very glad to be there with my mom and dad, however I couldn't help but think of all the plants that I had nurtured through the long winter, especially the purple wave petunias. All of them were in my containers and I was concerned they would die since they wouldn't be watered. The Superbell's on the front porch didn't get watered since it's under the eave of the house, yet they still look great.

On Tuesday only one of the elephant ears had fully opened and only two of them were out of the dirt. I was quite surprised at how they had grown.

I have great success with miniature roses but don't do well with the regular roses for some reason. I've planted several and they all either die or look so pathetic that I pull them out of the flower bed. This is my lone bloom, (there were two but the rabbits got the other one) on this red rose bush. It's blurry, but you can see the holes in the leaves of this scrawny bush, something is eating it, it's so ugly. This one may have to go too. It's taking up space and not very pretty.
I wish that I had started garden journaling earlier because I have some things planted that I don't know what they are. I think the plant above is a butterfly weed but I'm not sure.
I've searched my books to identify this one and I think it is campanula or bellflower.

Our golden, Lily, sheds quite badly, especially in the spring. I bought a suet feeder and placed her fur in it. It's been hanging since early spring and just yesterday, while I was out checking things after our return home, I spotted a bird getting the fur. This morning while I was out I saw it again. I was hoping the birds would use the fur to line their nests.

A very sad sight, the petal of a peony.

I had wanted to get a picture of the iris before leaving to go home but didn't have the time. I'm so glad I still had a couple in bloom.
The Clematis is blooming, but not yet in its prime.
The lighter pink peony is now in bloom.


Anonymous said...

Ha! Caught you online :-). Glad you made it home safely! That rain looks beautiful! Fortunately (I guess) I don't have anything except our grass that desperately needs rain so I'm not in as dire straights as some.

Carol Michel said...

Your flowers all look like they did well while you were gone.

I always think of butterfly weed as orange. Maybe that purple flower is a verbena of some kind?

And my elephant ears haven't even sprouted yet!

Anonymous said...

Hi Robin,
I am really enjoying your blog! Thank you so much for letting me know that you were doing it. Your flowers are so beautiful!

How is your mother doing? I need to email you and will work on that soon.

Yolanda Elizabet Heuzen said...

That light pink peony is gorgeous! Love the pics of all the flowers with raindrops on them, it makes them look so fresh! Good to know that all your plants survived!