For the last few months I've been using this plastic plant saucer to feed the birds that like to ground feed. I usually put black oil sunflowers and cracked corn in it and it is very popular, even with its close proximity to the house.

It is on the patio right in front of the sliding glass doors. The cat and the dog will stay in front of the door for hours watching the Bird Channel. When the glass is cleaned of all the pet nose smudges, I can sit at the kitchen table and and take pictures without getting cold.

It is the perfect set-up. Well, not exactly...

because it often looks like this. It is very windy here, and when it rains the seed gets wet. It can make quite the mess on the patio.

Several months ago, maybe even as long as a year ago, my husband got a large freight package from his employer. It was delivered on a wooden pallet. For some reason I couldn't bring myself to dispose of it. I thought maybe I could use the wood for a project. I had been wanting a proper ground feeder for a long time, but didn't want to spend the money on one. I thought I might be able to make one from the pallet. Today was the day! I kind of had an idea of how I wanted to make it, but I am no handyman or handy woman for that matter. In fact, I'm such a klutz that I can be downright dangerous with tools and sharp objects. I cut off half of the pallet, and used that wood to enclose the screen stapled to the sides.

I was so pleased that my project turned out! I already had some screen here so this project cost me absolutely nothing! Now I have a ground feeder that will drain when it rains and won't get blown around in the wind! I can even attach hooks on the corners if I eventually want to hang it. It may not last that long in the weather, but it certainly was fun being creative and recycling the pallet.

It wasn't exactly a pretty day but it was gloriously warm, almost 70 degrees! I was able to do my project in the garage, and I even did a little gardening today. I cleaned up some and planted a few bulbs that I bought on clearance a few weeks ago.
Oh, just a little warning to anyone who might decide to throw kitty litter on an icy side walk. Make sure it isn't the clumping kind! Yes, I did it. I was desperate and it was all I had at the time. I think an outside cat took advantage of it, yuck! I hooked up the water hose today to clean up the clumpy, very nasty mess. I sprayed it into the grass. After everything was washed off the sidewalk, I went to turn off the water hose. I stepped on the grass and my feet immediately flew out from under me. Guess what? Wet clumping kitty litter is as slick as ice on the grass! Thankfully nothing is broken, just very sore ankle and wrist.
I hope everyone else had warmer weather to enjoy today!