This picture was taken yesterday and reminded me of some verses from the Bible. If God cares for every little sparrow, and not one falls to the ground without His knowledge, how much more does He care for His children. Even the hairs on our head are all numbered. He knows every little detail about us. He loves us and cares about us.
We had a little snow yesterday, and some people we know were involved in accidents. I'm so thankful no one was injured. We were expecting more snow over night and I was concerned about my daughter who would be driving to school and work this morning. I was so relieved when I woke up and saw there was no new snow on the ground and most of it from yesterday had melted. I know she will eventually have to drive in it, but I'm hoping she will get a little more practice before getting on the interstate. Just another reason to dislike winter.
I moved the bird feeders closer to the patio so the kitty and I can enjoy seeing them better. That is one of the few things I love about winter and snow. It really brings the birds in.

The photo of the sparrows is enchanting. If the snow would just blanket the ground and paint the trees - life would be that much simpler wouldn't it.
Wonderful photos Robin. Although the sheer numbers and the tenacious personality of the House Sparrow are not appreciated by me I do appreciate their liveliness in the garden. Of course the Cooper's Hawk is always invited to the table when the sparrows are here.
The sparrows in the snow is a lovely portrait The photo of the Hawk with your calm delivery of "The hawk knows it too." was brilliant!
Barbarapc, I do love the look of freshly fallen snow.
Thanks, Lisa. I don't care for the house sparrows at all either. They are so numerous here and frankly if it weren't for the few other birds that come around, I wouldn't even bother with a feeder. I was tickled to see the Cooper's hawk back this morning. Hopefully it will keep the sparrow numbers down some. Although last year they seemed to prefer the slower and fatter mourning doves.
Hello, Gail! Thanks. I was so thrilled to see it in the backyard this morning!
I know you(and the cat) will enjoy the feeder closer to the house. Birds do provide such grea entertainment during the long winter.
That first shot of the sparrows in the snow with the grass blades peeking through is wonderful. Lovely little verse too.
I'm so glad to be able to read and see more from you, Robin. You've captured those birds just perfectly in the photos! Jan
Hi Robin, such a delightful scene with the sparrows. We somehow have only a few, and I don't think they are house sparrows, but some other kind, or couple of kinds. I need to move a feeder closer so the cats and I can get those close up and personal looks at the birds as they eat, great idea, thanks!
That's one of my most favourite Bible passages. So nice to have such a fitting photo to go with it!
Great photos, Robin. We also had snow/sleet/freezing rain lastnight. It warmed up quite a bit today and it all melted away. Winter will come, but it can take just a bit longer, please.
Such COOL photos! The hawk is gorgeous!!!!! I love the scripture about the sparrows. Your photo is a perfect partner for it. Thank you for reminding me of it today.
I'm also more aware of birds in my garden in winter. I feed them all year long but it is perhaps to do with the fact that the garden looks pretty bare that the birds are more noticeable.
Great shots Robin! Here the sparrows have become quite rare, there used to be so many of them but now? Not so much. :-(
OH OH.. Mr. Cooper knows where the pickins are easy..fly away little sparrow ..fly away!!
I know it is a law of nature that Mr. Cooper must have his fill..but I want him to have it someone's yard other than mine.
Beautiful.... do you take your bird pictures from inside the house? Mines are never that clear... ;)
Had to come back just to say that your blog is such a delight... reading precious post, and looking at all your amazing pics was such a respite.... thanks!
When I long for snow, I remember the days I worried so much...daughter driving at 16 through snow, my husband with a long commute. I never rested until they were both home and safe indoors. But I would love to see snow in Charlotte once or twice this year :o) A half-inch of snow shuts down the city so I can stay home and watch it fall.
And yes, it really does bring the birds in.
this is my first visit and the photography is wonderful. Will be back soon.
Rochelle at 'Studio g'
Hi Robin, I am trying to catch up on my blog reading. I'm glad I made it here to see your birds and Scripture. That first pic with the verse would be great in a frame.
Wow, I've never seen a hawk so beautiful. We don't have that kind here in Texas (that I know of). We get birds passing through here during fall, but sure don't see the winter birds like your display. That's quite something!
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