Now, for the continuation of my "2008 Year in Review":

Late May and early June is the time for peonies in Indiana. They are so beautiful, I just wish they lasted longer!

The garden really comes to life in June! I think this is my favorite month for flowers in the garden. The peonies, miniature roses and lilies are gorgeous!

Right after a rain is my absolute favorite time to take pictures! I love the rich color and the water droplets in this picture of the lilies.

These are the petunias I grew from seed. In June they are just beginning to fill out and bloom well.

Just about the time the garden was abuzz with activity and things were at their peak, we got the news of my husband's job layoff. My favorite time in the garden was met with half-hearted interest. While I didn't feel much like gardening, I could always lose myself and forget about my troubles behind the camera .

I love photography and I love holding a camera in my hands. It absolutely thrills me to catch something unusual with my camera. I was amazed by this leaf cutter bee and couldn't believe I actually captured it in action!

We had no deep roots in Indiana and were open to a move any where, or so we thought. There was a job offer and it would have required a move. Maybe the roots were deeper than we had originally thought. We love Noblesville, and had just settled in to a wonderful church that was much closer than our former church. We had already gotten attached to the people. Our children had already bonded with friends. We did a lot of reflecting and praying during this time.

We decided to pass up that opportunity and hang on a little longer. Thankfully we had visits from very special friends and family during the summer and it was a most welcome and wonderful distraction.

There were other wonderful distractions as well.

In August I visited the Indiana State Fair for the first time. I went alone and had a wonderful time just me and my camera!

It was during the month of August that my husband had a job offer that he accepted. We were thrilled that prayers had been answered and he was only without a job for two months and we didn't have to move! It was a very long two months!

I could finally relax a little and start breathing normally again. It was during the month of September that I had a hummingbird drink from the feeder while I held it. That was quite a thrill!

I was never completely happy with any of the hummingbird pictures this year. I spent many hours sitting on the patio waiting with my camera in hand trying to capture the perfect shot. It never happened. Maybe next year.

I especially enjoyed the cosmos, zinnias and sunflowers during the month of September.

Once again, I collected the black swallowtail caterpillars from the garden and watched the complete metamorphosis. This picture was taken on the day that I released the newly emerged butterfly. Another thrill!

I barely remember autumn this year.

I had one virus after another, one that lasted just about the whole month of November. There was a work injury and some other health issues. It was all I could do just to keep up with work and the household necessities. I didn't feel creative at all and my blog was sorely neglected.

Before I knew it winter had settled over Robin's Nesting Place,

the holidays were upon me, and now here it is the beginning of a brand new year.
I love fresh starts and new beginnings. I am looking forward, to be quite honest, with a little fear and uncertainty, to the new year ahead. I certainly hope it will be a better year. I'm hoping that 2009 will be a great year for each of you as well.
Once again Happy New Year from Robin's Nesting Place!
Again, you thrill us with your lovely photography and fluid prose, Robin. I'm in awe of the leaf-cutter bee in particular. Amazing capture! I wish for you and yours a wonderful, peaceful 2009.
Robin, it is we who are fortunate to have you become a blogger. I love the way you 'see' your surroundings and all of nature. Your wonder and awe come through in your delightful pictures.
I remember your trying times and was so happy when things worked out for you.
Here's to a great 2009 for all of us!
From the beautiful peonies to the beautiful little people you have in the last photo you have kept my attention all year. I will be looking forward to more of your beautiful work. That leafcutter bee is amazing. The other bee looks like you could throw a saddle on it and ride.
Now don't go and worry before you need to. 2009 will be a good year...I hope. ;) We gotta think positive.
Dear Robin, you have had quite a year. You, my friend are never alone with a camera in your hand! It is like a twin sister, you seem to be so in sync with it. The photo of the cutter bee with leaf is pure magic. All the bird shots are wonderful, even the hummingbirds, the holy grail of photos for me, totally unobtainable, so I will be pulling for you to get that shot that makes you happy!
Wow,I just enjoyed a liesurely walk trough your flower gardens,how beautiful.I was saddened to hear about your husband's job lose,but thrilled to hear how God answered prayer,and he got another job.Sorry to hear also about your difficulties with health,hope things just improve in 2009.I look forward to many more photo excursions with you,by way of the blog.
More stunning photos - I love the bees and the swallowtail butterfly, but my favourite is the cat with the flowers in your previous post :-D
I hope 2009 goes well for you, with no more job or health problems.
You have a wonderful gift with your flower photography and how you enjoy the small natural wonders in life.
You are a gifted photographer. Your photos here are a sight for sore eyes. A lovely years in review.
It's been a pleasure to know you.
Happy New Year,
After drinking in the book Tasha Tudor's Garden I know I want more peonies in my garden someday!
It has been quite a year for you Robin. We went through a long period a few years ago of expecting my husband to lose his job at any moment. It was awful! Thankfully God used that situation to push us toward a different job in a different field. It took a few years and a lot of big steps, but looking back I'm glad we went through it all (though I would never want to relive that stress!)
Thank you for sharing your journey through 2008. Your photographs are always so inspiring to me.
May all your wishes come true.
Dear Robin,
A beautiful post filled with lovely photographs and sharing words. Thank you Robin, your photos have always brightened my day...You have a gift, a real talent for capturing the critters special poses and moments...Just look at the squirrel and the cutter bee riding the leaf is incredible. I am glad that things are settling down, you needed a break.
Happy New Year. gail
Hi Robin, I've just flown in to read your blog via Shirl's after you left a comment. so if you'd like to be included in my fun bird challenge with your 15, drop me a comment.
And I have to say what a wonderful blog, you even have blue jays in there, which I've never seen but are fabulous.
I'll be back to have a peek at what you get to see over there soon, but before then all the best for 2009. Andrew (Quicksilverbirds)
Such a beautiful and God honoring review, Robin. Your photography is stunning. That leaf cutter bee photo amazes me every time I see it. I do pray that the blessings of God are continually poured into your life in the days and weeks to come.
Thanks for the look back, Robin. I wish you and your family a prosperous, healthy and happy new year.
Robin, your year in review is wonderful. So many spectacular photos to remember it by. I remember many of them from when you first posted them and that delights me. The stress of losing a job is terrible. It definitely seeps some of the joy out of life while you're in limbo. I hope you won't have to worry with that in the New Year and can concentrate more on your lovely garden and photography. I love that leaf cutter bee photo as well and I think you have some incredible hummingbird shots already. But I know what its like to want that one outstanding photo that you know when you take it, it's what you've been waiting for. May we all get one of those this year. Best wishes for a more secure, healthy, happy 2009.
Dear Robin,
Happy New Year.
I am looking forward to 2009 and getting to know you better. We enjoy so many of the same things. I also can lose myself behind the lens of a camera.
Love you "eye" and your year in review.
A standing ovation from my heart, Robin! What a beautiful gift you are! Bless you
An absolutely fantastic photo summary of 2008. I wish you a wonderful 2009 and I look forward to being further inspired by your beautiful photos. A quick question - how do you get your photos so large and clear. When I try to expand mine on blogger it just distorts the image.
Lovely post, to look back with such beautiful pictures, must give you so much satisfaction.
Thank you, dear Robin, for sharing your stunning photos, rich life, and the gift of blogging friendship in this beautiful post. With heartfelt wishes for a blessed New Year and may a peaceful aura surround us all, who touch each other in this special way.
Good morning Robin, Thanks for dropping by my blog. I appreciate it very much. I have visited your blog before and it is just stunning and very wonderful. Super good information and the photos are superb. Thanks for the info on enlarging photos. I am still stuck on enlarging my header photo. lol
I spent some time looking around. Especially your winter sowing posts. I have just learned of this from blogs this year and sowed some seeds on the 1st, we shall see how they do. I normally just throw the seeds in each garden bed in the winter, like you did with your verbena heads. It seems a bit easier but harder to control. It looks like you have a golden? I love my two so much! You have a great day, and may 2009 be your very best ever-in the garden and in life.
My co-workers and I had to giggle when we saw the picture of the squirrel laid out on the empty corn cob. All you pictures are fabulous, but I particularly liked that one.--Randy
wow! these are breathtaking pictures! and what a beautiful year 2008 was for you (and even for me through your photos)... i hope the year ahead will be lovelier and more colorful in your garden and your family life:)
OMGosh! What incredible photos. xoxo
There are so many wonderful photographs here, Robin. You continue to amaze me with what you capture. You need to find a way to make some money with your photography. I love the squirrel photo! And the leafcutter I've seen them at work and fly away like that, but of course, I didn't have my camera. That one is truly astounding!
Happy new year - and I' just so enjoyed looking at each of your photos.
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