This time of year things can change quickly in the garden, especially after a couple of warm and sunny days. I didn't think I had anything blooming yet. Just a few days ago I had walked around looking at the gardens and didn't see anything even close to a bloom and today just before running an errand I looked at one of the flowerbeds on the side of the house and saw this beautiful purple crocus. I wish I'd had more time to play with the camera, but I was in a hurry and just took a few quick shots.

It won't be long and Ill have daffodils blooming too! It really is amazing how quickly things have grown!
Trying to learn from past mistakes, I was determined not to sow my seeds too early this year, so I have patiently waited. Today was the big day! I sowed dill, fennel, parsley, Rose milkweed, butterfly weed, (all for the butterflies), pink and purple wave petunias, impatiens, coleus, Rose Pinwheel zinnia, cilantro, Iceland poppy, and lavender.

This is a picture from last year of my indoor growing system. I have this in the upstairs loft area. It works well and I've had pretty good success so far with this system. As you can see from the picture I sometimes have to get creative with my containers. Last year I also overwintered several gerbera daisies, African daisy and the sweet potato vines . This past autumn I was not feeling well and nothing was brought in to overwinter.
The birds have been singing even louder these last few days and they are starting to get frisky with each other. Ahh... spring is in the air! I'll definitely be keeping a closer eye out on the gardens now, I don't want to miss a single thing.
Your photo's are stunning. I anxious to go back through your older posts to see more, so pardon me while I stalk your site a bit! :)
I remember finding your blog last winter and seeing your wonderful seed sowing set up. It's so hard to be patient and wait on starting the seeds, isn't it? I was doing the same thing but like you, have finally sown my first batch. I bet you'll have great success again this year. It will be fun to watch. :-)
What a wonderful set up for seeds. This is the first year I'm using lights, I'm anxious to see how it goes!
I'm glad you got to do your planting, it is so fun to plant those first seeds! Kim
The crocus and daffodils sprouting a sure sign of spring!Great collection of seeds indoors..what fun you've had!I't sure is great snowbirding in AZ! sending sunshine your way! NG
I love seed starting it's so much to get your hands dirty again.
I swear I have the same black shelving unit for my seed starting!
I also have a problem with starting too early; this year I am having a little trouble getting motivated. I think part of the problem is I don't really have a spot for my shelves. My husband objected to having it in the laundry room again. Who needs to be able to open the dryer all the way?? (It's not like he does the laundry!!!)
Oh wonderful, Robin! Lucky you to have a crocus blooming, and daffs on the way. My snowdrops are forming white buds while they're still only a couple of inches tall. Daffs spears are up a few inches and a few tulips are peeking through.
I'll be starting some seeds any day now.
I'm noticing the birds are frisky too, and their sweet songs announce that spring is in the air! Exciting, isn't it? :)
glad to see you too have given into the temptations! I put seed out Saturday all day.... fingers crossed. Love the pics, but nothings blooming yet here!
Oh, I can't wait to see all that growing in your garden- what great pictures we shall see! Happy seed sowing, Robin!
Your black shelf unit is one I just got. Glad to see its going to work out well. Now, if I can just get Mr. Wonderful to rig up the lights.........
Oh, the Crocus is LOVELY!
I smiled all the way through this post because I used to do the same stuff. And I just got old and quit. LOL
I like your set up though.
I discovered your site yesterday, but ran short on time so came back for a better look. Your site is very nice, great pictures. I am in MI so think we are in the same Zone. Can't wait for warmer weather. Have a wonderful day.
Wow, this is an impressive setup! How nice that you have room in your home! I'm starting seeds in my storeroom and it's a little chilly in there for some of them.
Great blog!!
Most impressing nursery you have got. So many small babies to attend, how lovely. I love bringing up my plants from seed too, I think we 'seedahalics' got it in our genes.
xoxo Tyra
Lovely setup! I wish I had somewhere so bright and airy.
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