Well, since so many others have tried it, I thought I would too. Here is my first attempt at scanning something other than old family pictures.
Actually, I was just going to post about all of the work I've done this weekend and I had no flower pictures to share, how boring. I thought of the scans that others had done and quickly went out to snip a few flowers. So I have a picture of flowers to share now, I feel better.
I have gotten quite a few things done over this beautiful weekend. I did some mulching and moving this evening, working until dark. I'm not sure if my pink viburnums, which were planted in the fall, are still living. All three of them look terrible so I clipped them until I saw green, which was all the way to the ground. There was a little bit of new growth sprouting up on two of them. They were in a visible place so I dug them up and put them in an area less visible. They have a one year warranty, so I'll give them a little more time to see if they are going to live. I moved two small arborvitae to the place where these were, and I planted a Dixie Land, (being from Alabama I had to have this), variegated grass where the middle viburnum was. I planted another grass and put a few plants into a container for the patio. I worked on the side yard flower bed and almost finished weeding it, but it got dark too quickly. I hope to finish this project tomorrow.
I am making a pathway from our side garage door to the driveway using square pavers. The grass has died where they were placed and now I am digging about two inches deep to place them evenly with the grass so they can be mowed over. This is more tedious than I thought it would be. I only did four yesterday. I had thought about taking the path all of the way around to the patio, but I don't think so. What a pain!
Yesterday was my precious mother-in-laws 81st birthday. She has Alzheimer's and is in a nursing home. She doesn't really need anything right now so I bought a peony to plant at the nursing home in their court yard. The peony is the state flower of Indiana and they didn't have one. So, I did a little bit of gardening there too.
My plants that I am hardening off got a little to much sun while we were gone to church this morning and with the wind here they dry out so quickly. A few of the petunias look pretty wilted. I gave everything a good watering and I am hoping they will perk back up.
On Monday we had our 25th wedding anniversary and my husband bought me a swing for the patio, actually it's on the grass by the patio. He put it together on Saturday and already I love taking breaks from gardening and resting in the swing. My mother has one on her deck and I love to sit with her and talk and swing, it is so relaxing. It is too windy here and the swings usually get blown over. Hopefully we have enough of a wind break now that ours will not blow into the neighbors yard. That is also one of the reasons we built the patio wall, we couldn't leave our grill out because the wind blows it away.
I am very thankful for the beautiful weather this weekend and the blessing of health and energy to work and for the family that God has blessed me with. Very thankful indeed.